Le 24 Novembre

Publié le 23 Novembre 2014

Évangile de Jésus Christ selon saint Luc

(Lc 21, 1-4)

Comme Jésus enseignait dans le Temple, levant les yeux, il vit les gens riches qui mettaient leurs offrandes dans le tronc du trésor. Il vit aussi une veuve misérable y déposer deux piécettes. Alors il déclara : « En vérité, je vous le dis : cette pauvre veuve a mis plus que tout le monde. Car tous ceux-là ont pris sur leur superflu pour faire leur offrande, mais elle, elle a pris sur son indigence : elle a donné tout ce qu'elle avait pour vivre. »

Le message

Ce n’est pas ce que nous donnons qui intéresse au Seigneur, mais notre confidence à la providence du Seigneur. Cette veuve, je pense qu’elle était totalement enracinée dans le Seigneur. Puisqu’elle a pensé que tout appartient au Seigneur, elle était capable de tout donner. Cette dernière semaine de l’année, apprenons à nous abandonner au Seigneur.

In English

Gospel text (Lc 21,1-4):

Jesus looked up and saw rich people putting their gifts into the treasure box; He also saw a poor widow dropping in two small coins. And he said, «Truly, I tell you, this poor widow put in more than all of them. For all gave an offering from their plenty, but she, out of her poverty, gave all she had to live on».

The message

To see the invisible through the visible, we need the grace. Jesus helps us to identify such small things and events which happen around us, that we very often forget to identify. There is many such Mother Theresa(s) that we have failed to identify and be inspired by them.

In this last week before advent, let us search for such persons who live next door. It is in identifying and appreciating such people that we will grow in our faith.

If this widow could give everything to God, it is because she believed that with God, she can live without these small coins. She was totally immerged in God, that she valued only God, God alone as something that she desired to hold on. As Saint Paul has said, “it is no more I live, but Christ who lives in me” was in truth her way of living.

Rédigé par JOHNBOSCO

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