7th of February (English)

Publié le 6 Février 2019

Gospel text

(Mk 6,7-13): 

Jesus called the Twelve to him and began to send them out two by two, giving them authority over evil spirits. And He ordered them to take nothing for the journey except a staff; no food, no bag, no money in their belts. They were to wear sandals and were not to take an extra tunic. And he added, «In whatever house you are welcomed, stay there until you leave the place. If any place doesn't receive you and the people refuse to listen to you, leave after shaking the dust off your feet. It will be a testimony against them». So they set out to proclaim that this was the time to repent. They drove out many demons and healed many sick peo­ple by anointing them.


The Application


By baptism, we are missionaries, sent by the Lord, to announce the Good News. It is Christological mission, because it comes from the Lord. It is apostolic because it is transmitted by the Apostles. Today, how can we continue and fulfil it? Let's look at the gospel of the day


He sends them two by two, because we are a people of covenant, and we have to work together. Even if the charisms are different, we accomplish one mission, because we have one Lord and one faith. Faith unites us and it does not separate us. We must learn to live together and to announce the Good News with others.


Power, we have all received it from the Lord, right from the baptism, through the consecration. We have received it not for us, rather to accomplish the works of God. This power we can translate as our talents, our material and spiritual wealth, our means, including the people who support us, etc.


To carry nothing, an important instruction. The One who calls us, gives us the necessary means to fulfil the mission received. We must depend on His providence. It can happen through men, sent by the Lord. God knows everything and we are just cooperating with Christ, to accomplish the mission He has received from the Father.


Stay and leave. Be open and welcoming. Things may not go on as expected. There will be troubles in life. Jesus is asking us to remain faithful to our vocation and consult Him for every change, which we desire to impart.  It is in our faithfulness to the mission entrusted that we glorify God by assuring ourselves, that everything comes from the Lord and He merits the fruit.


«Jesus called the Twelve to him and began to send them out two by two (…). They set out to proclaim that this was the time to repent»


+ Fr. Josep VALL i Mundó 
(Barcelona, Spain)

Today, the Gospel refers to the Apostles' first apostolic mission. Jesus Christ sends the Twelve to preach, to heal the sick and to prepare the ways of our definite salvation. This is the mission of the Church, and our mission, too. The II Vatican Council asserted, «Christian vocation is by its very nature a vocation to the apostolate. No baptized person can remain idle! Therefore, he who would not strive to achieve a human body and spiritual growth, would be as useless for the Church as he would be for himself».

Gustave Thibon used to say that our world needs a “soul's supplement” to regenerate itself. Christ's doctrine is the only medicine that can cure all illnesses of the world. The world is in crisis. But, it is not just a partial decay of moral or human values: it is a crisis of everything. And the most precise term to define it would be a “crisis of soul”. 

With the grace and doctrine of Jesus we Christians find ourselves in the midst of the temporal structures of humans so that we can instill life in them and guide them towards our Creator: «That the world, through the predication of the Church, by listening, it can believe, by believing, it can wait, and by waiting, it can love» (Saint Augustine). We Christians cannot elude this world. As Bernanos wrote: «We have been thrown in the middle of the dough, in the middle of the multitude, as yeast; we shall conquer again, inch by inch, the Universe that sin snatched away from us. O Lord, we shall return it to you as we received it in the morning of the world, with all its order and all its sanctity».

The secret lies in loving the world with all our soul and in living with love the mission Jesus Christ gave the Apostles, and all of us. With words from Saint Josemaria, we can affirm «The apostolate is a love for God that is brimming with joy, with dedication to others (...). And our eagerness to spread our apostolate is the exact, adequate and necessary manifestation of our interior life». This has to be our daily testimony amidst men and throughout all ages. 


Rédigé par JOHNBOSCO

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