Sunday Homily

Publié le 30 Janvier 2021

“I will put my words in his mouth.” When God tells us that he himself will put his words in our mouth, we can be sure that this divine presence will be there to accompany us, until the end of our life, because it is God who speaks to us through our brothers and sisters. We should never forget the word that was addressed to Saul on the road, "Why do you persecute me? "Paul understood very quickly that all the evil he had inflicted on the people of God was only towards the God who loved him.


From this divine encounter, accompanied of course by the disciples of the Lord, Saul became Paul, and was recognized by the people of God as an Apostle chosen and sent by Jesus.  The story of salvation also tells us about the other divine encounter, that of Moses and Abraham.  Humanly they were all the weak, ordinary men that God chose to be his messengers to his Father. Today, we are this people chosen and sent by this God who loves us, to his people, his beloved possessions.


If we become aware that through baptism, and especially through the consecration received in the  baptism, that God dwells in us, and if we recognize the truth of the divine presence in every human being, our vision on the world around us will be quite different, for this gaze will be filled with love and mercy. That is why as baptized people we should choose our words according to the divine will, and let our actions be inspired by the Holy Spirit. In this way, our words will be with authority, accompanied by divine recognition.

In today's Gospel, Jesus is with his people in prayer and peaching. He is there with us today, discreetly listening to our prayers and supplication and teaching. Let us not leave this church without having a divine encounter, without having a sincere and true dialogue with our brothers and sisters. God speaks to us, not only in the liturgical and Eucharistic celebration, but also in human encounters.  Let us listen to their words and their stories, we will certainly see in our openings of hearts, the divine wonders, even today, in the daily lives of our brothers and sisters.

Let us imitate the daily life of Jesus, fulfilling the divine will, in our daily activities, particularly in our discernment and choices. Jesus responds to our daily needs, mainly our need to be liberated from our desire of pure human pleasure to divine accomplishment. Be liberated from our self-oriented decisions to common goodness, in particularly what God desires from us for our community, by fulfilling our personal needs.  Our liberated life is oriented for a greater purpose so that others may be liberated from our personal engagement. It is here that we can sing with the psalmist of the day,


Come, let us cry out for joy to the Lord,

Let us cheer our Rock, our salvation!

Let us go up to it in thanksgiving,

by our festive hymns let's cheer him up!


Come in, bow down, prostrate yourself,

let us adore the Lord who made us.

Yes, he is our God ;

we are the people he leads

    the herd guided by his hand.

Rédigé par JOHNBOSCO

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